Saturday, February 25, 2006

Marketing to Marketers

FEBRUARY 10, 2006
First, the number one rule: Don't call!

According to the "Marketing and Technology Survey," from Three Deep Marketing, conducted with support from Marketing Sherpa, marketers were adamant about not wanting to be pitched in person or on the phone. 70.9% of the respondents said 'No phone!" and most didn't want a face-to-face meeting, either.

Today, most marketers prefer Web-based presentations and pitches. Links to a Web site and e-mail information were favored.

Anyone attempting to sell solutions to marketers should understand what their problems are. First on the list of marketing challenges is determining the payback on dollars spent.

First on the list of sales challenges is tracking follow-ups.

When asked what their specific marketing problems were, most marketers said they had trouble managing data — getting the right message to the right person.

Most marketers had technology problems, too, with data integration — in several forms — topping the list of frustrations.



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